Friday, April 10, 2015

$25,000 to GPT: Astra Bank Answers the Call

Great Plains Theatre announces Astra Bank as Platinum level Sponsor!

Executive Director Elizabeth Weese and Kyle Campbell Check Presentation
The Great Plains Theatre is pleased to announce Astra Bank has graciously donated $25,000.00, becoming a Platinum Sponsor of the entire 2015 Theatre Show season! 

Executive Director Elizabeth Weese says, “We are ecstatic to have Astra Bank and Kyle Campbell take a leadership role in sustaining the operations of Great Plains Theatre in our Community.” “We have been presenting our belief that our Community deserves to decide if Great Plains Theatre is a vital part of the quality of life in the Abilene Community or not.” “Astra Bank taking this leadership position is a strong vote for what GPT means to Abilene in that regard!” 

We believe that Great Plains Theatre is a treasure in our Community and I am very proud to help GPT continue on into the future, but Astra Bank and other Sponsors like them, are how it will be possible for us to do that!Weese said. “I talk to people about the contributions GPT makes to our Community with our Professional Live Theatre, our Vibrant Youth program and hopefully soon again with our Hometown Cinema, and give them the opportunity to support the programs they have passion in.” “Astra Bank sponsoring our full Six Show season is a terrific start to raising the funds we need to make GPT successful in 2015.” 

Great Plains Theatre and Executive Director, Elizabeth Weese, may be reached at 785 263 4574 or at 311 NW Third Street Abilene, KS 67410 

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