Sunday, March 29, 2015



The winners of the Weight Loss Challenge at Impact Sports and Fitness received their respective cash awards.  Shown (from left):  Susie Sexton, second place, Anita Larson, Impact Sports & Fitness Personal Trainer, Teresa Hudson, third place, Maurice Flynn, Impact Sports and Fitness Trainer, and Lenece Anderes, first place.
Participants in the latest Impact Sports and Fitness Weight Loss Challenge were successful in shedding an impressive percentage of total body weight.

Lenece Anderes placed first and received a $500 cash award for shedding 12.82%.  Susie Sexton was in second place for losing 11.11% and received $250.  Teresa Hudson received $100 as the third place recipient with a loss of 10.04%.  The total amount of weight lost by all Weight Loss Challenge participants was 247 pounds.

During the eight-week contest, teams work out weekly with Impact Sports & Fitness Personal Trainers, weigh in, and receive weekly incentives.  The trainers leading the teams in the challenge were Maurice Flynn, Anita Larson, and Laurol Overlease.  The trainers commented that all of the teams worked very hard and team mates supported each other very well.

Impact Sports and Fitness offers regularly scheduled Weight Loss Challenges. The next challenge will begin in January.  Membership is not required to participate.  For more information call 263-3888.

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