Saturday, September 5, 2015

Cowboys Takes Panthers As Trophy

Cowboys Takes Panthers As Trophy

by Erik Graefe

For one quarter, the Royal Valley Panthers looked intent upon giving a scare to the Abilene faithful at Paul Dennis field. Another Friday night found another great home crowd as the Cowboys opened their regular season by hosting the Panthers from Hoyt. The Panthers are a tough, disciplined football team with returning starters at key positions, and it showed early on. Midway through the first quarter, Royal Valley elected to roll the dice on a fourth and short. The result was a 60 yard touchdown run, and the Panthers found themselves leading Abilene by a score of 6-0.!abilenekansas/c13v2

Abilenes roster, while inexperienced at the varsity level, is full of talent. At the quarterback position, senior Harley Hazlett is one of the few Cowboys who brings both talent and experience. Hazlett connected with junior Ryan Wilson on the second play from scrimmage following Royal Valleys opening score for a beautiful 66 yard touchdown pass. 

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That quickly, the Cowboys had retaken the lead. It appeared as though the Panthers would answer Abilene with a score of their own as they marched down inside the Cowboy 20 yard line on their next possession. However, it is not only on the offensive side of the ball that Abilene is capable of making big plays. Junior Cooper Wyckoff blitzed from the backside as the Panther quarterback looked to catch the Cowboys napping on a play action pass. Wyckoff delivered a vicious blow just as the pass was being released. An alert Dylan Ford intercepted the errant pass and returned it to nearly midfield.
Cooper Wyckoff - photo from Cooper Twitter
Dylan Ford - Facebook Image
At some point during this offensive series, the Cowboys began to transform from a team that would merely be carried offensively by their outstanding senior quarterback to a multiple threat, multiple faceted team.  Coach Simpson would suggest later that the transformation is far from complete, but it looks to have begun. The drive ended with a 39 yard touchdown run by another of the talented and experienced seniors:  Trey Bender. Over the next two quarters, the Cowboys would score 27 unanswered points. The transformation had definitely begun.

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The 2015 edition of the Abilene Cowboys is definitely going to be a fun team to watch. Friday was full of big plays on both sides of the ball. Hazlett, in addition to having a good night throwing the ball, ran for over 140 yards. Trey Bender amassed over 120 yards rushing, as well. These two seniors are special, and any time either of them has the football in their hands, fans would be well advised to pay attention. The story of these Cowboys is not only about the two lead dogs, however; Simpsons roster is full of young players capable of making an impact on a football game. Ryan Wilson and Dylan Ford appear to be capable of making big plays from the receiving position, and Parker Base and Parker ONeal are dangerous runners. None of this of course means much without a fine offensive line in the form of seniors Hayden Funston, Bailey Fitzgerald, Andy Tope, Cale Mayden, and junior Sam Burt. These guys dont get to score touchdowns, but they make them happen.

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L-R Hazlett, Base, O'Neal, Funston - Facebook Images
L-R Fitzgerald, Tope, Mayden, Burt - Facebook Images
Coach Nathan Howards defense settled down after the first quarter and began to show signs of transformation as well. The Cowboys lost some fine players on the defensive side of the ball to graduation last year, and some nerves and inexperience showed early on. As the game progressed though, the Cowboy defenders drew inspiration from the play of senior Jovany Garcia. Garcia played Hazletts role for the defense:  making big plays by himself until the rest of his teammates overcame their nerves, and the inexperience gave way to the talent. In addition to Garcia, ONeal and Base, aka the Parker brothers, Cale Mayden, Jaron Christiensen, and many others played a fine defensive game.
Jovany Garcia - Facebook Image
Jaron Christiensen - Facebook Image
There is no other way for inexperienced players to gain experience than to be baptized in the fire of Friday nights. As the young Cowboy team emerged from their first such ritual, the final score read, Abilene 34 to Royal Valley 13. Such is the luxury afforded to Coach Simpson. His roster has just enough superstars in the form of Hazlett, Bender, Garcia, and a fine offensive line that his young talented players can undergo their initiation to the varsity field while chalking up victories.

The next step in the transformation of these young Cowboys will be a road game as they will travel to Marysville to face a much improved Bulldog team this Friday night.

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